So, I've talked about it before. An Etsy shop. It's a never ending thought that seems to keep coming back. My husband and I went to Durango area this past weekend for a mini trip. The one thing I noticed was that there were no yarn stores. I have in the past bought yarn while on vacation. It's quite fun to go through the stash or make something that I made and remember where I bought it. Hubby came up with this idea that I could make stuff and see if someone would sell it up there. Again, I was scared about the idea. Knitting is a form of expression to me. One that I have a hard time sharing with others. It has become such a large part of who I am. And I have a hard time letting things go. Most of the projects that I make lounge around my house not being used.
So maybe its time to share my passion with others. Plus, my amazing friend Kelsey keeps encouraging me. So I have put the word out on Ravelry, I may have to contact certain designers in personally and see if others will help.
Here are some bullet points for my store that I want to incorporate.
Name: Mariposa & Faith
The name requires tons and tons of explanation. It has a lot of meaning behind it. That may require it's own post!
Products: For now I am hoping to have knitting and sewn projects up for sale. I have thought about mixing the two and will have to let you know.
One very important part to make a core part of the business: I love making things to donate. The church I go to here has a program where once a year a bunch of people get together and make chemo caps. I have enjoyed making them and sending them along to keep heads warm for kids and adults. I want to be able to continue that and maybe my customers will help me. I have thought about making part of the proceeds towards buying products to make them AND/OR give them the option of 'buying' a cap or other project. They would pay for the yarn and time, then I will donate that product. I have also toyed with the idea of giving the buyer the option of deciding where the project will go or just send them to the place that I have been donating them.
SO I need feedback! What cha think???