Proof that Christmas is coming even faster . . . it's snowing in New Mexico, finally. Apparently this is a late storm but a welcomed one for the natives. It has been snowing all morning. The roads, I'm told in ABQ aren't too bad. Outside of ABQ might be another story but we don't have any where to be.
On the knitting front I have been a very busy girl. I was trying to think of something that I could give to some new New Mexico friends and came up with this:
I found the pattern on ravelry and became inspired. The leaf is knit in the round so that you have the pattern on both sides. Great idea right? Well then this came from that idea:
I'm pretty sure Shannah will like these. :) But that was all that I have made. I have had a lot of scrap debbie bliss yarn lying around. I still have more so we shall see what comes of those. Then I have been working on my very first pair of . . .
Gloves!!! The first one came out pretty easy, however . . . . the second one because it is a different hand is being knit backwards. Which if you can imagine screws up my head with the pattern. GRRRR So this one has been a little harder to do. If you can't tell from the picture I went button crazy at hobby lobby. :) But before this I did start something else:
This is a sock that I hinted at in previous post. Spring pools. I used some autumn colored yarn that I fell in love with when I bought it and found it quite hard to pick out a good pattern to use it on. This sock is toe up and my first try at that. I think this sock is the best fitting sock I have ever made. So at some point I will do the other one and be done. I think . . . .
Well I guess I must get going. Christmas cards to send out, presents to wrap and or buy. Lots of things to do. But from our house to yours a happy holidays.
Yea I stole the Penguin idea from Shannah. :)